It's better to know several risk in advance when doing this, so I suggest you to execute this action as the last step if you don't have any other alternative way. However, as I read on the comments of his post, one user reported after doing this, he unable to open one of the project (stick at 25% loading and not responding) - all other projects open fine. Other user replied this may depends on the content of the project, for instance, he quite often uses many HitFilm project inside Vegas Pro, this action (cleaning up Vegas temp folder) can slow down Vegas project opening time significantly. * Notes from Set: I personally leave this temporary folder as it is, because I never had a lot of constant trouble which makes me frustrated, but as Joseph states, cleaning this temp folder has help him solving his many issues. On the main screen of Project Media tab in Vegas Pro, look for the 1st icon in the row describing 'Remove All Unused Media From Project", click on this button to cleanup all objects not is use in the current project. If that doesn't help, other solution (and the easiest one): See if that helps, any of the temp files it needs, it will recreate when you start Vegas Pro again, so the next startup might take a bit longer than usual.I do this when Vegas Pro appears to have gone a lot of trouble.Those are all of the saved projects when Vegas Pro crashes, all of the temp files it creates, etc.If you've never done this there could be thousands of files under there.*Set: If you feel uneasy on Deleting this - copy them first to other place - for safety purpose.
#How to mask in sony vegas pro 9 windows#
In Windows Explorer, go to that directory, DELETE EVERYTHING, all files and all directories under there.IMPORTANT: make sure you have all projects saved, and close Vegas Pro.So in Vegas Pro: Options>Preferences>'General' Tab>near bottom is Temporary files folder,.If Vegas Pro has appears to gone off the deep end and not acting quite right, you might need to clear out the temp folder: This tips is written by Joseph S Testa in Sony Vegas editors Facebook group.